Wednesday, 21 March 2012

First post

Well, here it goes. Don't expect perfection...expect better. Just kidding. So this is my first blog post EVA, haha. No one is probably reading this so I don't know why I'm so nervous. And if you are reading this, I'm in denial right now because I'm sure this post is going to be nothing special.

Where to already know by looking at that cute picture of me at the bottom of the page and by reading the 'About Me' section that my name is Heather and I'm a white Jamaican. Tell me more, you say? Okay, only because you asked so nicely. When I was about 6 my mother started taking me to Jamaica. It started with only being once a year, and now, at 21 years old, I go anywhere from 3-5 times a year. Weird, right? Besides my mother (and now not even her really anymore), I've never had much of a feeling of family or belonging. You could have called me a lost soul if we're getting cheesy here. The older I got and the more frequently I visited Jamaica, the more I felt I 'belonged' in terms of the culture, people, lifestyle, everything fit. Ever since I can remember I'd been picking up the dialect spoken there, the customs, way of life, and began to feel like a real Jamaican and treated like one as well. Some of you reading this may laugh, but I've never felt happier in my life and some people go through their whole lives being miserable and never knowing what true happiness feels like. Now, even when I'm in Winnipeg, people think of me as that 'white Jamaican girl' who only listens to dancehall, knows all of the latest dancehall moves, and can cuss at you in patois faster than you can blink. Now I'm just convinced that God picked up the wrong paint brush when he was colouring my skin, nbd though Lord, holla!

Then, in February 2007, my life got even better. I met the love of my life, in Jamaica... shocking!!! In December 2011 we got engaged and I cannot wait to be Damion Duckett's wife December 8th, 2012, hence my other nickname, Miss D. This man makes me see the bright side in every situation and not sweat the small stuff. He has made me enjoy life more than I ever thought I could. He is so thankful for the smallest things and is the hardest worker I have ever met. I know he will be an outstanding father and the most loving husband.

The moment that changed my life forever- December 3rd, 2011

I guess that's my life in a nutshell and how Jamaican quickly became such a large influence on my life. From now on I'll be posting things about long distance relationships, reggae music, anything that allows me and Jamaica to connect and connect it to you guys...whoever 'you guys' are... even if it's only my dog Kaya staring at me like I'm an idiot the whole time I write posts. I'm cool with that.

Kaya the day I brought her home, so cute!

LATER! <3 bless up

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